Bianca Growing Up in the Williston Mall
Bianca was born on 24 August 2007.
From the start, she had to fit into a crazy lifestyle of eccentric parents, colorful events and rusting old things. I am sure her memories will not be ordinary or boring. She soon adapted to these strange surroundings by singing, dancing and playing. Our friends Chris and Julliene put her in their book Karoo Keepsakes and later in Country Life Magazine.
Her babysitter Danelle Venter was a special friend and “older sister”. Elma Venter was a backup mom for when things got to hectic at the Williston Mall. Bianca had her own little corner at the Williston Mall. We created a small little town for her to play in. She entertained the guest’s children and took them on tours of the Williston Mall.
Our wonderful friend Johann de Jager were her first inspiration for song and dance. Some of my fondest memories were “ Dans met die meisie met die kortste rokkie” performend by the two of them. Bianca went on to perform with him and others on stage. He also gave her her first proper keyboard which she still plays beautifully on today. Bianca loves singing and our friend TC has helped her develop her talent further.
After Bianca was bitten by a dog she found the love of her life: a white Labrador named Scampie. The two have been inseparable ever since. She has also added goldfish, cats, budgies and hedgehogs to her pet collection.
My father would have loved her. She never met my father as he passed away before she was born. She had a very special relationship with Elmarie’s dad and made many new grandpas on the way. Our dear fiend Gustav has become the grandpa that thought her to dance and braai – and she loves mom’s new husband Jack.
Bianca has always had a gift to keep us going. In my darkest hour on the first Williston Winterfestival, I remember clearly holding her late one night for comfort and motivation as everything went wrong around me. She still gives us a hug when we need it, and holds my hand when we walk in the veld.
Today between her mother’s art and her father’s junk Bianca has found her own beautiful style and personality. She loves art, music, dance and her uncle. I am the only dad in the world that does not mind her being in the Mall every day.
Always happy and helping, she has been part of all our crazy ideas and projects.
I hope that one day when she is all grown up, that she will have fond memories of her life at the Williston Mall.