Mall Morris surprise
I never thought it would happen to me…
Warning: This might seem too good to be true. Booked in my guests like every normal day, but this was NOT going to be any other normal day.
We had some beers with the guests and talked about cars and old rusted things and the Karoo… like normal people do. I told the guest that when I was young I almost bought a Morris from an old lady and that it always has been a dream to own one. I was a student then and she wanted almost R3000 for it. Well R3000 does not sound bad but if your whole student loan at Standard Bank is R5000 for the year it is. Well I never got it. We all went for an afternoon snooze… like every normal afternoon. But like I said before this was NOT going to be any other normal day.
We woke up still in the mode of a normal day, but things were about to change. The guest came out of his room and said that he bought a Morris a couple of weeks ago and have not really done much with it. He said that they have decided that the car need to be at the Williston Mall. He will deliver it before end of the year… NO CHARGE!
After many years of playing the Lotto without any success, I then entered the unknown as things like this never happens to me. After they checked out I thought it was too good to be true and that it would never happen. In the end the Morris were delivered and branded. No day will ever be normal again.
Thank you, HD CARS. I will treasure and love it always. Morris donated by HDCARS in Knysna to the Williston Mall. Thank you guys… Noddy car is home! Check out their website.